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clamping mechanism中文是什么意思

用"clamping mechanism"造句"clamping mechanism"怎么读"clamping mechanism" in a sentence


  • 合模机
  • 夹紧机构
  • 夹紧装置
  • 卡紧机械


  • The direct pressure clamping mechanism structure has some feature of high running speed , great clamp mold force and the variable lengthy travel distance of moving mold according to mould - width , therefore no moulding - adjustment system needed
  • It is firstly studied the gain - clamped mechanism of erbim - doped fiber amplifier . we find a solution to obtain high gain with large output power over gain - clamped erbium - doped fiber amplifier . then we examine and analyze the relevant factors which affect the characteristics of amplifier
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